
Cleantech Hero Energy

During this first year when Cleantech Heroes were selected, all the honour was given to Turbulent Hydro as the first Cleantech Hero Energy. The jury selected three finalists: Smappee, the Sniffers and Turbulent Hydro. Once again the jury was very impressed by the level of the candidates. However the choice of the jury experts went almost unanimously to Turbulent Hydro. “Turbulent has carefully chosen to develop a technology that is mainly suitable for countries in emerging economies and with a clear link to a number of SDGs. It highlights everything that a sustainable innovation project should be.”


Turbulent Hydro changes the way new hydropower is developed. A Turbulent micro-hydropower plant requires no dams, no river impediments and no large infrastructure. The system needs only 1.5 metres of water height difference to generate energy. Therefore this technology results in a fish-friendly, low-maintenance hydropower plant that efficiently produces clean electricity 24h/7d/365d. Turbulent Hydro has large international potential and is already running projects in Chile, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Congo, Thailand, Portugal, Estonia, Slovenia, France, the United Kingdom and, of course, Belgium. By installing distributed clusters of turbines, entire regions can be supplied with 100 % green, clean, stable and reliable electricity. Turbulent works together with nature,  not against it. Turbulent Hydro also contributes to the SDG goal of affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), as well as to other SDGs, including those for water (SDG 6), resilient infrastructure (SDG 9) and climate change (SDG 13).


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Houthalen, 20 February 2022

Responsible publisher: Frans Snijkers, Director
Text: Cleantech Flanders
Concept and design: Kaplus

Greenville, Centrum-Zuid 1111
3530 Houthalen-Helchteren